SWYC COVID-19 Response

SWYC Deck, Float, House and Launch rules during COVID-19 based on State guidelines

Updated 5/29/21

 In accordance with the state’s May 29th COVID-19 guidance the SWYC COVID-19 team is pleased to rescind all SWYC COVID-19 Rules and protocols.
The team strongly encourages all non-vaccinated members and guests to follow the state guidance in wearing masks and social distancing in order to minimize the potential spread of the virus by non-symptomatic carriers.
Please bear in mind that some at-risk members may feel more comfortable continuing mask and social distancing protocol and we ask all to respect their choice.
The COVID team wishes to express their gratitude to the Board of Governors for their unwavering support of the team’s efforts, and their dedication to preserving the health and safety of the membership.
The team would also like to express their appreciation to the SWYC membership for their cooperation and patience during this past year of challenge and uncertainty, and wishes all a happy and healthy 2021 boating season.
Now, let’s all enjoy all the wonderful things Salem Willows Yacht Club has to offer.
Bob Chadwick
Peter Concannon
Jessica Eddy-Storey
Mike Merriman
John Regan
David Swensen

For more info see here. 

Stay tuned for additional information concerning SWYC operations and events.