Abbott Rock Petition

Hi Folks – right around the corner near winter island you’ll notice that Abbott Rock was destroyed (again) over the winter.  If you want to support its reconstruction please add your contact info and forward to the USCG below.  Normally we’d have this posted at the club, but with limited operations underway we wanted to ensure everyone had an opportunity to support this.

To:        John Collins, Coast Guard Auxiliary, Division 4 SO-PE

Email:    [email protected]

Subject:   Abbott Rock – Petition for Restoration _ Project No. 01-19-074


We, the undersigned, petition the US Coast Guard Auxiliary to support rebuilding of the Abbott Rock Day Beacon (Light list No. 10065) and (Project No. 01-19-074) located between Winter Island and Juniper Point abutting the Federal Shipping Channel in Salem Harbor.

Abbott Rock is a long-standing Navigational Aid used by thousands of boaters, as well as a Historical Marker that we request be saved and maintained.

Name:                                Address                                             email: